RUFFLES & RIBBNS GIRLS' HOME refers to "Little Girls (M or F)". You may wonder how such can be. Such persons fall into the category of "transgender" (TG) or "bi-gender" (2G).
The difference is that the 2G has both masuline and feminine personality traits,
These traits occur in near equal and certainly psychologically functional stremgth either kept
separate (better for sanity's sake) or blended, and is perfectly happy with this
state of affairs whereas the TG may feel "trapped in the wrong body". My own
belief is that the body you got is the right one becuase the external world sets the parameters by which such decisions are made: Fi you told me in all seriousness that you are a T-Rex "trapped in the worng body", what would you be considered? Well, just so. It is called "denial" and to go down that road is to twist your mind into a pretzel. Accept what you are and work from there. Also there are many things that could be considered "gender-free" or "androgynous" (shared by both genders) or some other mixed-gender acceptable.
preceeds the psychological one and therefore takes precedence becuase gender is
psychological and not physiological.
How did I come to this conclusion? In my pursuit of an advanced degree in
psychology, I found that my teachers were totally unable to answer the simplest
of boy-girl questions like "pink is for girls'. This meant it was my job to
figure it out and this is what I came to and how. It must be said that male and
female brains are a bit different but just what this means is unknown at this
time. So as far as gender goes. one theory is as good as another. AS long as you
respect the fact that you have a primary gender that is pointed to by
your physical structure and come to terms with that, there is no reason not to
enjoy playing the ohter side of the street. In fact, that respect may help you
enjoy more what you are doing since you are not trying to buck the real world
you willl not have that on your mind to either cloud the issue or create
unwanted, subconscious feelings. Also it is unseemly for a person to adopt the ways
of the other gender without first having mastered (or mistressed) the ways of his or her own.
This only leads to the effeminate, unmanly male and the butch, unladylike female, both of
which are a distortion of the human soul. As an aside, the same goes for the "Adult Baby"
who, not having matured, is not doing the gig for its own sake but to excercize some kind of
aganda, psychodrama, temper tantrum or just plain unwillingness to progress to the next level.
As I have been known to say: You must grow up before you can grow down.
When I took Latin in the 8th grade, I learned
that Latin, and later, Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish words had a property
called "gender" which my Latin teacher said "...does not mean boy and girl
words, but masculine and feminine...". This did not make full sense but did go
along with other things such as "pink for girls', dresses are for girls, girls
play with dolls (which makes good sense since most have babies when they grow up
and need to know well how to take care of them) and other differences. Did you
know that at one time pink was for boys? Blue is a "cool" color and was
considered more appropriate for girls until the middle 1930's. But I also knew
that some boys liked to experiment with "girl" things or found them practical in
some way but they were still boys.
So I came to a conclusion: Gender is a pasychological, that means learned and
behavioral variable. that points to, but is not tied to, or the same as, the physical sex of
the person. This means that the two sexes, as such, are not equal but complementary since
equality means interchangeable. If they were equal then there would be no point
to making the distinction (this does not make one or the other better in any way, just different
nor does it in any way make the holder of one of the two sets of traits that comprise this category
superior or inferior; it takes two to tango-and to tangle). Therefore, it seems to me that one need not be female
to enjoy doing girl things and that one can have a "girl part" in him to which
his feminine traits point. Gender acts as a set of characteristics by which a
person chooses those traits of the opposite sex that are not sex-innate, but
behavioral/psychological that indicalte that the person is comfortable with
his/herself as that kind of person. Many GG's are disdainful of their childhood
dolls because to do otherise marks them as childish and locked into "sex
stereotype". On the other hand, Adult Little Girls, usually maile, exhibit an
attachment to their doll(s) to the point of having feelings for the specific
doll itself as well as having an affinity to dolls as part of being a Little
I am a true feminist. By that I mean, I enjoy the femininee things: I like
the feel of my golden hair caressing my cheek. the sound of my name and especially
anything to do with tiaras: The splendor of color, the delicate shapes, the
way the band caresses my hair I prefer full-circle tiara bands to
the comb or half-band and come or the kind that must be pinned in place. I like the
gentle weight of the tiara, reassuring me of her presence and nearness as well as her appearnce.
I love the feeling of wearing a full skirt with a crinoline, how it rubs lightly
on my thigh and the hem kisses my knee. I do not like petticoats as they tend to
feel smothery. These are thangs that are in fact good and should be valued, I
like to feel attractive as a girl.
But you ask me "why is gender, which is not innate or deterministic good? since it is not an automatic
and therefore absolutely reliable, pointer. My answer is becuase there are no automatic or absolutely
reliable pointers. Please note that "unisex" has failed. How come this is true? Becuase there is no such thing as
innate knowledge. Therefore, a set of signs and guidposts are needed in the larger world and they must be learnable and
learned rather than believed innate (if they were innate then innate knowledge would exist and they would be unnecessary and
unisex would still fail but its absurdity would be more self-evident). But, these are only signs and guidposts, not the territory
to which they point and can be enjoyed, either participatorily or merely observationally for their own sake.
the point is that they are learned and can be learned to be enjoyed both by
thenselves and as part of a sub-personality by either boys or girls.