One of the things girls most love is having a tea party. Well to do that you need table place settings and, usually a centerpiece. You can get some pretty placements in many places or you can make this your very own by having personalized place settings that reflect what your little world is like which you create yoursef or with your little girl friends: RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME is right here to help. We often host tea parties for meetings of D'Arielle Ladies Society members as well as the annual Foundress Week events and our clubs, TIARA GIRLS CLUB, RUBBER GIRLS CLUB; which Mommy should have made you join already, and DOLLY GIRLS CLUB, so we know how to do this and so can you.
As you see, these are not decorated. that means this is a do-it-yourself thing until I make up some that have picutres in place. This is because placemats, placecards and centerpices are very presonalized or topic-centered. Little Girls like to have their very own designs and if the little one is a rubber diaper girl you will want hers to feature rubber panties and babydolls, bibs, bottles and pacifiers. You will want two things if you have not already gotten them
You can save the images once you have them made so that you can use them again
For the place card, after you have made and signed, you may wish to make it a but sturdier. While you would not really want to go through all the work that you did for the placemat, you may want to stregnthen the material and protect it so that you can use it more than 3 or 4 times. Craft places sell things to put on paper items to make them a bit more durable. It would not hurt to do that with the placemats too. It will make them last much longer than if you did not. This is called "doping" and that which you use is called "dope". Model builders who use thin paper for the outside surfaces of their models have known about this for decades It was done with the cloth coverings of wings on the old wooden airplanes many times and you can get a very glossy surface with it.
To prepare:
After awhile, you may wish to go beyond what is here in the way of decorations for the placemant. Indeed, you can propbably become very artistic. This may lead you to want to keep them for a while longer. To do this, you may wish for a placemat protector. This can be made also.
To finish the centerpiece mat you will just decorate it with pictures
. This will outlast many placemats, or you can make a set of placemts and change them from day to day